Help to shape the Blackpool Design Code!

Blackpool Design Code

The Blackpool Design Code is being created to ensure that future development of the town is built around good quality design. Blackpool Council have appointed a team of architects, urbanists and designers to develop this Design Code, which will provide guidance on the creation of high quality places and buildings across the local authority area. 

Over the coming months, local people will be able to help shape the development of the Blackpool Design Code, through a series of activities and events. 

This website will provide updates on how you can take part and share your ideas and comments.

About Blackpool Design Code

What is a Design Code?
A Design Code is a document that helps to establish clear requirements on the development of high quality places, including homes, commercial buildings, public realm spaces, streets and green spaces. It includes specific and detailed information on how architects, developers and planners should go about designing different types of buildings and spaces, including illustrations of the types of features and details that are most appropriate to the local area. 

Design Codes have been created for a range of places across the UK. In each case, the team creating them carefully considers the local environment and built heritage, as well as future ambitions for a place to establish rules that enhance and celebrate local identity while ensuring high quality contemporary standards for design and development. 

The Design Code provides guidance and requirements across a range of scales of development. For example, it will include requirements for the development of streets and public realm spaces, supporting more inclusive, safe and enjoyable outdoor spaces. It will also provide requirements for the creation of high quality new buildings, including houses. 

This work builds on the National Model Design Code, published by the UK Government, which sets out guidance on the creation of area specific Design Codes across the county. 
Why are Blackpool Council developing a design code?
Local planning authorities are required to create a Design Code as part of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023. Blackpool Council has been awarded funding by the UK Government’s Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government as part of the 2024/2025 Design Code Pathfinder programme and has appointed a multidisciplinary team led by Maccreanor Lavington to develop the Design Code in conversation with local communities.

The Blackpool Design Code will be used to help support the delivery of a range of positive outcomes for the local area, by providing guidance that better ensures high quality design and development. This includes:
  • Enhancing the local character and distinctiveness of the historic town of Blackpool by encouraging and supporting design that contributes to and celebrates this heritage.
  • Delivering a diverse offer of quality homes and helping to create strong stable thriving and sustainable neighbourhoods.
  • Maximising opportunities to develop a greener Blackpool, contributing to urban cooling, sustainable drainage, increased biodiversity, connectivity and health and well-being.
  • Responding to Blackpool’s Climate Change Emergency by delivering climate resilient homes and neighbourhoods and delivering on net zero ambitions set out in the Blackpool Climate Change Emergency Action Plan.
How long will the process take?
The development of the Blackpool Design Code will take place over three stages:

Stage 1 - Scoping
October to December 2024
During this first stage, the project team will undertake a wide range of analysis to better understand Blackpool’s urban and architectural form, heritage, challenges, and opportunities. This will include developing an initial set of themes that set out the scope of the Design Code - the particular geographic areas it will focus on and the types of buildings and spaces it will provide guidance for. 

Stage 2 - Vision
December 2024 to January 2025
Reflecting the findings of the Scoping process, this stage focuses on drafting a design vision and principles that sets out what the Design Code will aim to achieve. This includes consideration of the types of guidance that the Design Code will provide for different types of buildings and spaces. 

Stage 3 - Drafting the Design Code
January 2025 to May 2025
In the final stage, the project team will incorporate everything they have learned about Blackpool, and the design vision and principles in writing the final Blackpool Design Code. 

How can I get involved?

Between now and spring 2025, there will be a variety of ways for local people to help shape the development of the Blackpool Design Code. This will include digital surveys and in-person engagement events. Details of current and upcoming activities are included below:
Complete our digital survey
Follow the link to take part in our digital survey as part of Stage 1 of the Blackpool Design Code process. This survey captures information from local people about their neighbourhoods and aspirations for the future of the town. The survey closes on 21st March 2025.
Take part in our photography competition
Capturing Blackpool's unique character through your lens! Join us for the Blackpool Design Code Photography Competition. Local residents are invited to submit photographs of their favourite spots, hidden gems, and iconic landmarks within the town. Help shape the future of Blackpool's design by sharing your visual perspective. Your photos will be featured in the final Design Code and three lucky winners will receive a £50 voucher to enhance their photography journey. Let's celebrate Blackpool together, one frame at a time!
Residents Focus Group
As part of the engagement programme, we are establishing a Residents' Focus Group of up to eight residents. The Residents' Focus Group will act as an advisory group to the Design Team and will meet three times during the programme to discuss specific topics.
Find out more and apply to take part
Young Researchers
As part of the engagement programme, we are offering a unique opportunity for three young researchers (18 to 25) to contribute to the development of the Design Code. You will support the design team contributing to developing the Design Code.
Find out more and apply to take part


Want to get in touch with the project team?